Sunday, August 23, 2020

Acronyms, Idioms And Slang: The Evolution Of The English Language. :: essays research papers

Abbreviations, Idioms and Slang: the Evolution of the English Language.      Although the English language is just 1500 years of age, it has developed at a staggering rate: to such an extent, that, from the start, the normal individual in America today would discover most Shakespearean writing befuddling without the guide of an Old-English word reference or Cliff's Notes. However Shakespear lived only 300 quite a while back! Some are seeing this is an indication of the decay of the English language, that individuals are turning out to be less and less educated. As R. Walker composes in his paper "Why English Needs Protecting," "the good and monetary decrease of Extraordinary Britain in the post-war time has been reflected by a decrease in the English language and literature." I, in any case, oppose this idea. I can't help thinking that the purpose of language is to impart †to communicate some thought or trade some type of data with another person. In this sense, the English language appears, not fundamentally to be improving or rotting, yet streamlining †getting more effective.      It has been both said and seen that the mechanical advancement of a society will in general develop exponentially instead of straightly. The equivalent can likewise be said of the English language. English is developing on two levels: socially and mechanically. Furthermore, both of these are unavoidable. Maybe the more recognizable of the two today is the mechanical development of English. At the point when the current extent of a given language is inadequate to depict another idea, development, or on the other hand property, at that point there turns into a need to modify, consolidate, or make words to give a required definition. For instance, the field of Astro-Physics has furnished the English language with such new terms as pulsar, quasar, quark, dark opening, photon, neutrino, positron and so forth. Correspondingly, our general public has as of late be immersed with a heap of new terms from the field of Computer Science: motherboard, hard drive, Internet, megabyte, CD, IDE, SCSI, TCP/IP, WWW, HTTP, DMA, GUI and actually many others abbreviations this specific field is famous for. While a portion of these terms, for example, dark gap and hard drive, are only a blend of prior words, a considerable lot of them are new words inside and out. To me it appears to be certain that anything that serves to expand the scholarly jargon of a general public ought to be invited, despite the fact that not all would concur. For instance, many have blamed this pattern for making an abbreviation for everything to be unoriginal and befuddling. Furthermore, while I concur that there is actually no compelling reason to curtail Kentucky Fried Chicken, it becomes tiring to need to continually say Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) or Transfer Control Convention/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) when they are both utilized so every now and again when

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Utopian Society Essays - Fiction, Literature, Political Philosophy

Idealistic Society Essays - Fiction, Literature, Political Philosophy Idealistic Society The idealistic culture in The Handmaid?s Tale by Margaret Atwood is altogether different from what a great many people would think about an idealistic culture. The intensity of this general public rests upon a little level of the populace. In this general public, men are better than the ladies. Ladies have basically no rights or state in what goes on in their lives and ladies with rights are just a couple. This general public was made by an incredible rare sorts of people who had the option to oust the legislature by slaughtering the president and congress. These individuals at that point suspended everyone?s protected rights and utilized dread to prevent anybody or gathering from undermining their control. At that point they assumed responsibility for ladies by halting their privileges to possess property Women have little significance in this world but to serve men, have youngsters, or instruct new handmaids. Ladies are separated into various gatherings with specific ladies having more force than others. This book was composed to demonstrate individuals what it is to resemble when you are a resident o! f an authoritarian government. Margaret Atwood made this world to show individuals a couple of reasons. She needed to show how individuals may act on the off chance that they had no rights and had everything detracted from them. This is evident in light of the fact that the story is portrayed through the eyes and psyche of a handmaid, the individual with the least measure of rights. The handmaids in the story were the primary line of handmaids. The greater part of them had families, youngsters, possessions, and rights before they were changed over to handmaids. The book was additionally composed to show individuals what their lives may be if an authoritarian government is in power. In contrast to other authoritarian governments, religion is upheld by the state. Individuals who don't have confidence in the state supported religion are murdered. Additionally, certain researchers and specialists are murdered on the off chance that they practice premature births or utilize certain clinical strategies. Margaret Atwood is attempting to show individuals that this kind of government could be the following way in American culture if things proceed go a similar way they are! going. I feel that the time before the unrest isn't as terrible as it was delineated. There are not freak babies being conceived, atomic emergencies, or men having all out control of ladies. I don't believe that this general public would have the option to be initiated right now. In the twentieth century, such a significant number of individuals have attempted to get reasonable treatment in America and I don't imagine that these individuals would lounge around while their privileges are being detracted from them. Additionally different nations most likely would have stepped in with the goal that an extremist government would not be established. Margaret Atwood had the novel end the manner in which it accomplished for a couple of reasons. First to show that this legislature didn't succeed, similar to each other extremist government ever in presence. She likewise needed to show how different nations reacted to this new government. It additionally left you thinking about what had happened to Offred and in the event that she had the option to escape out of the nation. The Handmaid?s Tale is a novel attempting to show the chance and what an extremist government in America could resemble. Just a couple of influential individuals have rights. Ladies have the least measure of rights. Margaret Atwood is disclosing to us that if society all in all proceeds with the manner in which it is going, we are on a compressed lesson to the sort of society she has portrayed. Actually, I feel that the general public delineated would never occur in America and in the event that it was initiated that the individuals would revolt and bring back a law based government.

Friday, August 21, 2020

What It Means to be an American Essays

Being an American Essays Being an American Essay Being an American Essay Teacher Ellsworth American Government 8 September 2013 What It Means to Be An American If you studied one hundred individuals and asked them the inquiry What does it intend to be an American? Odds are you would find one hundred distinct solutions. There is no unmistakable obvious meaning of an American. To unravel this consuming inquiry, a great deal of data must be presented to people in general with respect to what is intends to speak to the United States as a resident of the nation. On the off chance that one really needs to recognize what being a genuine American epitomizes, at that point they should go to imits past their most profound contemplations possible to discover their answer. All through my very own encounters, I have presumed that nobody has a solid meaning of the word American. In all actuality the definition is changing each and every day. A great many people accept that being a genuine American incorporates being a legitimate resident of the United States, keeping the laws and enactment went before us by our establishing fathers, and putting stock throughout everyday life, freedom, and the quest for satisfaction. It could be said, indeed, this is a fair comprehension of the word. It every Just stable shallow and what an individual hopes to hear. Actually, I have an alternate interpretation of the word American. During the discussion it was drawn out into the open that having earlier information to current issues and monetary statuses should assume a job in being an American. This announcement truly made them gesture my head with fulfillment. As I referenced before, the definition is a long way from stable and is continually changing from everyday. In the event that the United States as a nation had a strong made permanent meaning of being a mourn American, at that point possibly this nation would be fit as a fiddle. The American populace without a doubt should be all around educated with our financial status of this country alongside numerous other smothering issues. The reality of the situation is that the United States is not, at this point a country of characteristic brought into the world American residents whose family names stayed here for one hundred or more years or more and the family unit is no longer reasonably the equivalent in many spots. Americas dominant part are individuals who moved here from different nations and became Americans inside the most recent fifteen years or something like that. Unfortunately, I accept a ton of family units are not as conventional and tranquil as they ought to be. I couldn't imagine anything better than to accept that America is a place that is known for daylight and rainbows, anyway I am not that credulous nor is the remainder of the nation. The bearing our extraordinary country is going in alarms me extraordinarily and I accept that a great deal of that has to do with ethics and qualities. To me being an American methods being assaulted by promotions and trademarks wherever you go. Regardless of whether you are in the solace of your own home or on an excursion, promotions are all over. Being an American methods purchasing $100 eans Just to be viewed as cool or well known at school. Being an American methods supporting the legislature and military in the entirety of their activities, whatever they might be, about what the news needs to state as opposed to what is really occurring around you in your very own life. Being an American methods adoring big names and expert competitors that, frequently, have no different Jobs other than being famous people and expert competitors. Being an American methods working the entire year to manage the cost of things you dont need. Being an American methods devouring mass measures of handled and atty nourishments, infrequently regularly supporting nearby agribusiness or essentially settling on solid food decisions. Being an American methods being at the most elevated danger of weapon savagery and coronary illness on the planet. Being an American methods continually debasing ladies on the grounds that the broad communications and music stars continually do it so we expect that it is ordinary or satisfactory. Nonetheless, a large portion of all, being an American methods being completely careless, unconscious of or aloof about, these issues and then some. You see my interpretation of being an American is consistent with the real world. I most definitely am not nothing up in the air pocket of being the perfect resident. I do keep all the laws and guidelines as well as could be expected and I am a characteristic conceived resident of the United States. Anyway that is such a beat down and destroyed meaning of an American. Truly, I feel that those qualities are so far away. Lets be coherent for a second. America is brimming with wrongdoing and individuals who were not conceived in our nation, however yet being an American is frequently characterized as observing the laws and guidelines and being a characteristic resident. Not well let you consider that announcement for a second or two.

Valuation of Nonlisted Companies in Emerging Markets Essay

Valuation of Nonlisted Companies in Emerging Markets - Essay Example Quick changes are occurring in the economies of these nations and they give an awesome ground to speculators to receive enormous rewards. When contrasted with the created world, the arrival on interest in these economies is higher and quicker, as the pace of industrialization and development in specialty divisions is fast. While we discuss speculation, we need to recognize interest in recorded organizations and non-recorded organizations in these rising economies. There is a distinction in the manner ventures and returns are made in recorded and non-recorded organizations. While recorded organizations are administered by rigid guidelines directed by the individual governments, non-recorded organizations appreciate a specific level of self-rule in their activities. There is a distinction in the valuations of these non recorded organizations when contrasted with the recorded organizations. It is essential to fundamentally analyze the valuations of these non-recorded organizations in developing markets, before a remote or even a residential financial specialist places in his capital. In the International Experts Meeting on Corporate Governance of non Listed Companies, held in Istanbul, Turkey on 19-29 April, 2005, countless arrangement producers, business pioneers and different specialists thought on the issues of corporate administration of non recorded organizations, in particular various proprietorships, sourcing of capital, straightforwardness necessities, proficient administration and the job of the approach creators in guaranteeing the previously mentioned factors. This gathering was composed by the OECD and had members from 36 countries1.The bunch presumed that there was a requirement for better corporate administration, meeting compliances, increment in size and capital furrowed in, straightforwardness and progressing in the direction of investors' advantage in non recorded organizations in the developing markets to help the economy which, in many case was reliant on the achievement of these family-claimed elements. In another investigation directed in Chile, it was discovered that for some situation, there is an irreconcilable circumstance among controlling and minority partners. Pyramids appear to be a compelling method of isolating money from controlling rights. This is a compelling route for monetary gatherings to practice command over gainful resources and to build up inward capital components that can make up for ineffectively created proper markets. Be that as it may, foundation of pyramids could be inconvenient to the market estimation of organizations and to the economy of the nation as well2. Research Process In the wake of assessing the accessible writing, it appears to be sensible to approach the examination procedure by embraced an investigation of non-recorded organizations in developing markets, the primary models being China, India, Russia, Brazil. This would speak to nearly most of the creating scene. An overall examination of organization possession, cost of capital, cost of assets, advertise valuations, proficient administration, corporate administration and prevalence on the nearby and global financial exchanges could be done. Two cases for every nation: one of a recorded organization and another of a non-recorded organization could be thought about and the conversations and results showed up at. An investigation of every nation's approaches in the territory of recorded and non-recorded organizations would likewise must be attempted, and the requirement for development/change in

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Human Sexual Behavior - Free Essay Example

A guest speaker from Southwestern College was talking about sex. This is not about sex education; the speaker was talking about sexuality and violence. Theres different way of having sex which are Good Sex, Sloppy Sex, Bad Sex, Regretted Sex, and Sexual Violence. Sexual Violence does not belong in the continuum because it contains rape which is a choice. Rape is someone taking advantage of another person sexually. Sexual assault can be verbal, physical, visual, or anything that forces a person to join in unwanted sexual contact or attention. Unwelcome sexual behavior has been a serious problem in our society for many years. People need to focus more on this problem, because a lot of men still don’t take it seriously, it happens, because they don’t know the real definition of sexual harassment. Alcohol is often a contributing factor in sexual assault especially when people are drinking, they may be unintentionally increase their chances of being sexually assaulted, as alcohol dulls our senses and our judgment. A perpetrator may even buy a person drinks to make them an easier victim. May people believe that the college life should be known as party schools. Downsides to the heavy drinking/drug use on todays campuses, colleges are taking an increasingly dim view of excessive drinking or binge drinking which is a major public health issue. Also, this increases sexual assault crimes such as rape, date rape and deaths. Though, many cultures have other vocabulary words for men and women according to the before and after sex chart. It has always been an issue for men to accept that females like to have fun here and there as much as they do. When a man gets around with the ladies, he’s considered to be a ladies’ man or to be more like a Pimp. When females get around with guys she is called a â€Å"slut† or any trashy names. This is why man gets all the positive feedback while the women still gets all the negative feedbacks aft er getting laid or having sex.

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Interview with MBA Student Vikas Menon of IMD

Here’s a talk with Vikas Menon, a soon-to-be graduate of IMD Switzerland. Vikas talks about his b-school experience, and offers some serious insight into the IMD MBA program. If you’re thinking about applying to IMD, then you’ll definitely want to read on! Thank you Vikas for sharing with us! This interview is the latest in an blog series featuring interviews with current MBA students, offering readers a behind-the-scenes look at top MBA programs. We hope to offer you a candid picture of student life, and what you should consider as you prepare your MBA application. Accepted: First, can you tell us a bit about yourself: Where are you from? Where and what did you study as an undergrad? What other degrees do you hold? Vikas: I am of Indian heritage but was born and brought up in Dubai, UAE and lived outside India all my life. I moved to the US in 2000  for my undergrad at Michigan State University (Go Green! Go White!!) and studied electrical and computer engineering. Third year into my undergrad, I realized that I didnt like engineering as much as I liked interacting with people but I also realized that I was passionate about technology. I completed my engineering coursework and my first job in the US was in Sales for a Software company in DC that allowed me to pursue my passion for technology while working with people. Accepted: Which other schools were you considering? What tipped the scales to favor IMD? Vikas: IESE, INSEAD, HEC and a few American universities. 1. Once you attend the one day assessment at IMD with 5-6 people from different nationalities, backgrounds, professional experiences, you realize how IMDs teaching style is truly based on Real WorldReal Learning – you learn just as much from your classmates as you do from your professors, and your classmates are mid-level to senior level managers from large global MNCs,  entrepreneurs, PHDs, scientists and people who have an average work experience of 7-8 years working in 2-3 countries. 2. Leadership at IMD I had always heard about IMDs leadership stream being one of the best in the world but I can tell you 6 months into the program, that IMDs leadership stream is not simply the best but is one of a kind. It challenges you to rethink who you are, your personality, and helps you discover not just the conscious parts of your personality and leadership but also the subconscious and helps you understand how people perceive you. This knowledge can really help you become a better leader, team player, communicator and motivator in a professional environment. 3. Small class size I meet my 90 classmates every day for almost 75% of the program. We sit in the same classroom, we eat together and we spend long long hours together. The bonds and connections that are formed from that level of interaction and intimacy are incredible. We are a small community of MBAs and alumni (even though our extended network is probably one of the biggest) however, based on my experience so far and during the application process last year, I can guarantee you that every MBA alumni or student would respond to any request of help in less than  48-72 hourssome would even welcome the opportunity to help you and meet you. My mentor and advisor since last year is an alumnus from the class of  2008! He not only helped me with the application process but also continues to be a good friend, mentor and advisor and this is the power of the IMD class size and tight-knit MBA community. Accepted: What do you think are some of the advantages of attending a one-year MBA program? Are there disadvantages? Vikas: The advantages – 1. Focus on general management. 2. The shorter duration obviously helps you get back to the real world sooner. 3. The intensity really helps you push yourself to the next level and challenges you every day and every minute. The disadvantages – 1. Lack of specialization If you are looking for a specific functional role/industry post-MBA that requires expertise in  Finance (for instance, VC, investment banking, etc), a one-year program might not help an individual with no background in those areas. 2. Intensity the intensity is great for some people but can be too much for others. Accepted: Whats your favorite thing about living in Switzerland? Do you plan on continuing to live and work in Europe after you receive your MBA? Vikas: Switzerland, specifically Lausanne is a very cool, calm and beautiful place.really facilitates and helps in the learning process. IMD is located on the lake and every day, I get to see the Swiss Alps and the lake on my way to school. Yes, I plan on continuing to work in Europe but probably in a bigger city (only because that’s my personal preference). Accepted: Can you recommend a nice coffee shop or other place thats good for hanging out and/or studying in Lausanne? Vikas: The good thing about IMD is that we are provided a 5-star hotel level lunch every day (included in the fees) throughout the year by a Michelin star chef and team! Coffee, tea, nespresso, hot chocolate, etc are all available whenever we want on campus..we barely ever use coffee shops because we are in the IMD dungeons most of the time :-). The campus is beautiful, dynamic, green and sophisticated-modern, so we barely find the need to find a coffee shopask me about a bar and that’s a different story :-). Accepted: What was the most challenging step for you in the MBA admissions process? How did you approach it and overcome it? Vikas: The one day assessment can be really challenging because it requires thorough preparation. As part of the one day assessment you have an impromptu case, a prepared case (they send a week before the assessment), admissions interview and lunch with a current student. Additionally, the 11+ essays in the application and the short word count really makes you think about your skills, achievements, weaknesses, personality, etc in very different light. For one-on-one guidance on your b-school application, please see our MBA Application Packages. For specific advice on how to create the best application for IMD, see our  IMD 2014 MBA Application Tips. // ~ Helping You Write Your Best

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Biblical Eras Of Creation, The Patriarchs, And The Ketuvim

Referred to as â€Å"Tanak† by Jews, the Hebrew Bible contains twenty-four books characterized by three categories: The Torah, the Nevi’im, and the Ketuvim, which outline the history and beliefs of the Jewish faith. The Torah, commonly known as the â€Å"Law of Moses,† contains the books of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. These five narrative books cover the Biblical eras of creation, the patriarchs, and the exodus. In Genesis 1, God created everything from nothing at His will in six days and proclaimed all of it â€Å"good.† Humankind was created, Adam and Eve, in God’s image, and they lived in the pure garden of Eden. Sin is introduced to the world when a serpent convinces Eve, who subsequently convinces Adam, to eat from the the tree of good and evil, which God strictly forbade. God judged their sin, bans them from Eden, they went out in the world, and birthed sons Cain and Abel. After Cain killed Abel out of jealousy, God a gain judged sin by cursing Cain, but exemplified forgiveness in Genesis 6 through his promise to curse whoever tried to hurt him. Generations later, descendant of Adam, Noah, is introduced, as well as his wife Naamah and their sons Shem, Ham, and Japheth. In Genesis 6, God decided to start over, but saved Noah, his family, and animals, by telling Noah to build an ark to endure the great flood. Noah fulfilled God’s orders and built an alter to Him after the flood seceded, but his descendants prove the corruptness of humankind yet again and God