Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Biblical Eras Of Creation, The Patriarchs, And The Ketuvim

Referred to as â€Å"Tanak† by Jews, the Hebrew Bible contains twenty-four books characterized by three categories: The Torah, the Nevi’im, and the Ketuvim, which outline the history and beliefs of the Jewish faith. The Torah, commonly known as the â€Å"Law of Moses,† contains the books of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. These five narrative books cover the Biblical eras of creation, the patriarchs, and the exodus. In Genesis 1, God created everything from nothing at His will in six days and proclaimed all of it â€Å"good.† Humankind was created, Adam and Eve, in God’s image, and they lived in the pure garden of Eden. Sin is introduced to the world when a serpent convinces Eve, who subsequently convinces Adam, to eat from the the tree of good and evil, which God strictly forbade. God judged their sin, bans them from Eden, they went out in the world, and birthed sons Cain and Abel. After Cain killed Abel out of jealousy, God a gain judged sin by cursing Cain, but exemplified forgiveness in Genesis 6 through his promise to curse whoever tried to hurt him. Generations later, descendant of Adam, Noah, is introduced, as well as his wife Naamah and their sons Shem, Ham, and Japheth. In Genesis 6, God decided to start over, but saved Noah, his family, and animals, by telling Noah to build an ark to endure the great flood. Noah fulfilled God’s orders and built an alter to Him after the flood seceded, but his descendants prove the corruptness of humankind yet again and God

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