Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Date Rape :: essays research papers

Date Rape When people think of rape, they might think of a stranger jumping out of a shadowy place and sexually attacking someone. But in fact there different forms of sexual assault. Acquaintance Rape also known as date rape, is one of the most common among female adolescents and college students. About 60% of all reported rapes are committed by someone the victim knew. Rape is a crime of violence, and you can be arrested, prosecuted and properly punished by the law. There are ways to try to prevent date rape. The most common way to get into trouble is the idea of â€Å"you say no but you mean yes.† Since women are most often the victim of date rape, they must be firm in their response against sexual advances. If a person feels they don’t want to do something, be firm with the rejection. Being embarrassed, or coy will not send a clear signal and will lead to trouble. A possible disadvantage is that, some may take this the wrong way, perhaps of being accused of something they had no intentions of, but it’s better to be safe than sorry. Another form of prevention is a specific plan. Know what’s on the itinerary, where one will be going, what kind of place it is, and inform others of possible whereabouts. This way a female for example does not find themselves in a situation that could be potentially harmful. The advantage to this is that if the date has any ideas about using date rape as a romance technique, he will see awareness and intelligence and perhaps think twice about the crime about to be committed. A disadvantage, as in any other situation, sometimes a woman with enough self esteem to protect herself, is intimidating to some men. One may find it harder to achieve a second date. The third and final way to prevent date rape is to get and pay for your own drink. Loud music and poorly lighting can definitely affect our senses, specially when it is so easy to stick a tablet into a drink that dissolves within seconds. If a female pays for her own drink and it stays with her at all times, there will be no worry of drug use for the purpose of rape. Although it is very tempting to let a handsome stranger buy drinks, it is a big risk to take, when you don’t know who that person is. Date Rape :: essays research papers Date Rape When people think of rape, they might think of a stranger jumping out of a shadowy place and sexually attacking someone. But in fact there different forms of sexual assault. Acquaintance Rape also known as date rape, is one of the most common among female adolescents and college students. About 60% of all reported rapes are committed by someone the victim knew. Rape is a crime of violence, and you can be arrested, prosecuted and properly punished by the law. There are ways to try to prevent date rape. The most common way to get into trouble is the idea of â€Å"you say no but you mean yes.† Since women are most often the victim of date rape, they must be firm in their response against sexual advances. If a person feels they don’t want to do something, be firm with the rejection. Being embarrassed, or coy will not send a clear signal and will lead to trouble. A possible disadvantage is that, some may take this the wrong way, perhaps of being accused of something they had no intentions of, but it’s better to be safe than sorry. Another form of prevention is a specific plan. Know what’s on the itinerary, where one will be going, what kind of place it is, and inform others of possible whereabouts. This way a female for example does not find themselves in a situation that could be potentially harmful. The advantage to this is that if the date has any ideas about using date rape as a romance technique, he will see awareness and intelligence and perhaps think twice about the crime about to be committed. A disadvantage, as in any other situation, sometimes a woman with enough self esteem to protect herself, is intimidating to some men. One may find it harder to achieve a second date. The third and final way to prevent date rape is to get and pay for your own drink. Loud music and poorly lighting can definitely affect our senses, specially when it is so easy to stick a tablet into a drink that dissolves within seconds. If a female pays for her own drink and it stays with her at all times, there will be no worry of drug use for the purpose of rape. Although it is very tempting to let a handsome stranger buy drinks, it is a big risk to take, when you don’t know who that person is.

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