Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Different learning styles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Different learning styles - Essay Example These different learning styles are visual, auditory, and tactile (Call and Featherstone 45). An individual is with visual learning style if learning is through images and visual representations of ideas, opinions, theories, and knowledge. Visual learning is the first learning style. Visual learners will also easily understand symbols that show the relationship of one idea to another. Key words or key phrases can help make the meanings clearer, but the information should still be outlined with images to help visual learners grasp the information easily. These learners are usually with good visual memory and they retain more information when learning is done through knowledge maps, concept diagrams, tables, charts, and other graphic organizers. They mostly use the eyes to learn (Call and Featherstone 47-8). The second learning style is auditory, which utilizes an individual’s sense of hearing. An individual with auditory learning styles learn better through speaking and listening. They usually do not respond well to written information. They need to hear the information for them to be able to retain it. For example, an auditory learner will easily memorize a phone number by saying it aloud and then memorizing how it sounded. Most of them benefit well in lectures and do well in oral exams and speeches. They mostly use the ears and hearing the lessons will help them retain the knowledge (Call and Featherstone 55-6). The third type of learning style is the tactile learning or kinesthetic learning. Tactile learners learn better when they are physically doing something. They are also considered the doers. According to experts, individuals with this learning style usually learn through discovery or action. They usually act first before learning from that action. They are also good at doing 2 things at the same time. What normally happens is that tactile learners will remember things

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